

"Be true to who you are. Be courage, be selfless. Be love. Courage comes from knowing your truth and standing up for it (sic)." (2012)



"I think it’s great to be flawed. I am hugely flawed, and I like it that way. That’s the fun of life. You fall, get up, make mistakes, learn from them, be human and be you." (2012)



"I’m inspired by creative people because they add the colour and the emotions to our lives." (2013)



"I owe 90% of my life to people because I am a public figure, but 10 % is private. And I am not saying it in a defensive way." (2012)



"I don’t think there’s only one love. Every relationship has something new to offer." (2011)



"I am this stupid, emotional, very loyal, sort of believe-in-values-and-principals sort of girl." (2012) 



"So far, I have never felt the need for any enhancement surgery. What I have is what I have been blessed with." (2012)



"I have no ­interest in live-in set-ups. I think marriage binds people together both, socially and ­emotionally." (2007)



"I don’t like guys who are ­conventional. I’m an achiever; he has to be an achiever too. I admire drive and ambition. I like a guy who keeps me on my toes." (2011)



"I got into the movies by ­accident. When I got an offer, I thought ‘Let’s try this too’. Everything in my life has happened by trial and error." (2007)