Garima Jain, known for her role as Sakshi in Star Bharat’s ‘Na Umra Ki Seema Ho,’ portrays a grey character with a desire to disrupt Dev and Vidhi’s lives alongside Jai, who is infatuated with Vidhi. Besides being a skilled actress, Garima is also a trained dancer specializing in Bharatnatyam and various other dance forms.
Garima’s expertise extends to more than nine professional dance styles, and she is eager to expand her repertoire further. Despite her busy schedule, she manages to pursue her passion for dance and dedicates her day-offs to practicing. Notably, Garima holds a Guinness World Record for completing 1000 spins in 10 minutes, surpassing her own record by achieving it within a shorter time frame.
Expressing her profound love for dance, Garima shares, “I have been learning the art of dance since childhood and even participated in a reality show when I was a kid. I thoroughly enjoy exploring new dance forms, and I have acquired knowledge in a wide range of styles.”
Discussing the challenge of balancing her passion for dance and her love for acting, Garima remarks, “It can be difficult for actors to focus on multiple pursuits simultaneously, but one must dedicate extra time to maintain a harmonious balance. Currently, while shooting for ‘Na Umra Ki Seema Ho,’ I remain occupied most of the time. However, whenever I find a moment, I make sure to utilize it productively or create small dance videos.
Stay tuned to watch ‘Na Umra Ki Seema Ho’ every Monday-Friday at 8:00 PM only on Star Bharat
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