How Do You Know That You Are An Introvert? defines Introvert as a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings and a shy person. But that can be completely true in all cases. May be introverts just do not like to brag about themselves all the time or just do not want us to look inside their world. So, we go in little details and found out some awesome characteristics of Introvert persons. Check out these Top 10 out of them.

01. You don’t care about your birthday. You don’t need other people to care about your birthday.

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02. You hate small talk. You don’t talk too much. But you constantly and continuously keep on thinking.

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03. You feel weird when the  phone rings because you’re not mentally prepared to chat. You hardly call anyone or stay in touch with anyone. It is a normal thing for you. It doesn’t matter and your feelings won’t change about other people.

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04. You are quite meticulous. You observe minute things in life which others often miss. You think about what you are going to say or do, many times before going forward.

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05. Your Room Is Your Country

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06. You like going to beautiful places and taking photos but you rarely share them on social networking sites.

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07. You like your personal space so much that you don’t want a slightest thing to be against your expectations.

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08. You have no interest in taking selfies.

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09. You want to wander alone. Like a sailor. Of course without a crew.

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10. You hate crowds and you like solitude. It’s difficult to socialize. You try to blend in with the crowd, but most of the times you stand out.

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